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Branch Meeting

Stewards Training

Policy for Virtual Branch Meeting and/or Steward Training Attendance

(Approved by Branch 458 on January 12, 2023)

  1. Only guests authorized by the Welfare Committee and members of Branch 458 will be allowed to attend Branch Meetings and/or Steward Trainings virtually. Members of Branch 458 who are assigned or detailed to a management position will not be allowed to join any virtual meeting and/or training under any circumstance.
  2. All members must join the meeting and/or training using their first and last name. Screen names and/or user names will not be accepted.
  3. Members attending virtually will be allowed to begin gaining access to the meeting and/or training up to 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time and those who are not allowed access by the time the meeting and/or training begins will not be allowed to join. The intent is that the members attempt access as soon as possible without detracting from other members.
  4. If a member has a question, they must either use “Reactions” to use “Raise Hand” or type their question in the “Chat.”
  5. If a member wants to vote on a motion, they must use “Reactions” to use “Thumb’s Up” if they are in favor of the motion, or “Thumb’s Down” if they are opposed to the motion. To vote on a motion, the member must be on video.
  6. Technical difficulties will not delay or otherwise hinder the physical Branch Meeting from taking place.
  7. Virtual attendance at Branch Meetings and/or Steward Trainings will not qualify a member for Convention Delegate Fees, Steward Pay, and/or Officer Pay unless the work unit where the member is assigned, or in the case of a retired member or OWCP departee, the work unit where the member was assigned at their time of separation, is 50 or more miles, one-way, from Branch 458, 221 S. Eagle Lane; Oklahoma City, OK 73128-4209. Also, to qualify for Convention Delegate Fees, Steward Pay, and/or Officer Pay, the member must always be on video during the meeting and/or training.
  8. All other Branch 458 Policies and Standing Rules will remain in effect.

Join Zoom Meeting

Branch Meeting

Meeting ID:      456 984 515

Passcode:         458458

Steward Training

Meeting ID:      893 0585 3670

Passcode:         109166